Last year 20 nursing students came to faith in Christ through NCF ministry! Do you want to see students in your clinical group give their lives to Jesus this year? It begins with prayer. Will you commit to praying for every member of your clinical group each day you have clinicals? Pray that God will speak to them and call them to himself. Learn how to ask questions for a deeper spiritual conversation. Ask God for a BIG vision and discover how to reach your clinical classmates for Christ.
In John 1:35-46, Jesus invited two men to “come and see.” After they spent the day with Jesus, Andrew was motivated to invite his brother, Simon Peter, to “come and see.” Later Philip shared his experience of Jesus with a skeptical Nathaniel. Philip wasn’t put off and invited him to “come and see” Jesus for himself. This year, challenge everyone in your NCF group to invite at least one person to “come and see” what Jesus offers. Use the Healing Encounters with Jesus Bible studies or the questions for Applying the Bible to Nursing to explore how the Bible applies to nursing practice and your personal life.
Why is it important to be recognized as an official club or organization on your campus? What does it mean to affiliate your chapter? Discover the benefits of connecting with NCF/InterVarsity nationally. You can find more information about Campus Recognition for your group. Start with an easy-to-use constitution template and affiliation application here.