Spread the word! Encourage graduating seniors from your chapter to stay connected with NCF after graduation by signing up for the Graduating Senior Special Offer.
Graduates will receive a sampler of what the Journal of Christian Nursing has to offer them, along with information on how to become an NCF member at a discounted rate and electronic access to NCF's Spiritual Care Guide.
Survey Response Needed
It’s time to report on your NCF group by completing our annual survey for 2016-17. It is critical that we hear from you before April 22. If no one from your chapter has already done so, please take 5 minutes to respond by choosing the response that applies to your group:
Looking for ways to honor the graduates in your chapter? Check out these ideas, including the Christian Nurses Oath, honor cords, and Blessing of the Hands.
End the Semester Strong
It's the time of year when student leaders, especially seniors, often feel overwhelmed by end-of-semester assignments.
Take a moment to gather the core students in your group and evaluate the year. What goals do you still want to accomplish? What is the next step to finish the semester strong? How can you prepare for next semester’s leadership transitions? Answering these key questions will help you to wrap things up well.