End the semester strong
March is when student leaders, especially seniors, often feel overwhelmed by clinicals, classes and end-or-semester assignments. Don't let other commitments slide. To keep your NCF group strong, delegate responsibility to others.
Make a point to gather with the core students in your group and evaluate the year. What goals did you set at the beginning of the year? What do you still want to accomplish and what plans needs to be modified? What is the next step you need to take to finish the semester strong?
Watch your inbox
In approximately two weeks you will receive the annual NCF questionnaire, so please watch for this email from NCF and complete the short survey promptly. It is similar to the survey you completed last fall, but a few questions will be different. We especially need to know who the leaders may be for next year. Thank you for this annual snapshot of your chapter!

Opportunities for spiritual conversations
Lent is a time of
reflection. Often students compare what they are “giving up” for Lent. This can open up opportunities for spiritual conversations. Here are 5 questions about Easter that can start conversations in a natural way. Challenge yourself to talk with at least two of your non-Christian friends or family about why Easter is significant to you and to your faith.

Prepare for your nursing career now by becoming a member of the national NCF organization for nurses (at the deeply discounted student rates). You'll receive a full year of the Journal of Christian Nursing as a member benefit. Support your Christian faith and nursing practice. JOIN TODAY!
In this video, Doug Schaupp describes five thresholds people cross when coming to faith in Christ. What stages describe your friends? How can you help people move to the next stage?
- Trusting a Christian

- Becoming curious about Christianity
- Being open to change
- Seeking after God
- Becoming a follower of Jesus
We'll explore each of these areas further next year in Campus Vitals, but begin now to think about those who were involved in your group this year. Did anyone take a step towards becoming a committed follower of Jesus? What about in your clinical group or friendships at school or in the dorms? Learn more about how to help others cross these thresholds and move toward Jesus.

Every life tells a story. What life will you live? If you're a nursing student who wants to know more about God's calling in your life, consider registering now for Urbana 15 in December. Scholarships are available for NCF nursing students starting April 1. Contact NCF for an application.