What is your vision...for reaching your classmates for Christ? What impact will your NCF chapter have on your school of nursing this year?
Chapter Affiliation

Chapter Affiliation is important! If your NCF chapter has previously affiliated, you simply complete the renewal application each year to show show that the current leaders are in agreement with the Purpose and Doctrinal Basis of NCF and InterVarsity/USA. Please renew by using the Application for Chapter Affiliation. This should take about 5-10 minutes to do at one of your first meetings.
Not yet affiliated? If you have a constitution on file with the Student Activities office, please send us a copy with a completed Application for Chapter Affiliation to complete the process. If you need to submit a constitution to your Student Activities office, please use the Sample Constitution template and Application for Chapter Affiliation. Contact Bonnie with any questions.

New Student Outreach (NSO) resources
One of the best ways to start reaching out to your classmates is through NSO. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Visibly promote your NCF chapter using a table top display. NCF has two display options: one is solid (as shown) and one has a white space to write in additional information. Download the design. A local copy shop can print it on corrugated plastic or foam board with an easel back(18” x 24” is a good size). You can also order through an online vendor.

Healing Encounters with Jesus is a new NCF Bible study series coming out later this month. It can be easily used with friends and classmates.
Find more NCF Bible study resources. The What's Vital? Bible studies are designed for busy nursing students. If you have already studied this series, grab your friends and lead a group through the studies for the first time.

- Find out how Bethany "Kick Started" NCF student ministry at her school.
- Read how the NCF chapter at Newman University made a difference when they met the needs of someone new to the U.S.
- Learn how NCF students and faculty from Georgia Perimeter College were changed at chapter camp this summer.

Curious about the Questionnaires?
Thank you all for completing your year-end chapter report! For the 2013-14 school year, NCF had 93 chapters with 1,113 students participating at least half of the time. Rejoice with us that 14 students came to Christ!
Don't forget to Chart your Chapter again this year.