What Makes a Leader?
How do good leaders distinguish themselves from others? What makes a leader effective? Here are four characteristics that perhaps you will find helpful, from the blog of InterVarsity's Collegiate Ministries.
Fall Ch
eck-Up Reminder
Thank you to all who have completed our Fall Check-up report by completing the Survey Monkey questionnaire. If no one from your chapter has yet completed your report, would you please take 5 minutes right now to complete it to the best of your ability? Thanks!

Scars Pocket Proxe
A Pocket Proxe
is a tool to engage students in conversation about spiritual topics. It includes a script and questions that promote conversation. The Scars outreach tool addresses physical and metaphorical scars, how we receive them and how we inflict them on others, and what Jesus’ scars have to do with these scars. It dovetails with issues nursing students face personally and with patient care. You can download a free copy of the Scars script and order conversation cards at the InterVarsity Store.
Consider using the Scars script for an NCF group study and then ask the questions to open up discussion with classmates in your school of nursing. Invite your classmates to join you at the next NCF meeting so they can continue to explore more about how God’s Word applies to their lives. Studying the Scars script together and reaching out to your classmates puts the NCF Discipleship Cycle in action by “hearing the word”, “actively responding” and “integrating and interpreting.”

ADVENT: Preparing for Christmas
With the end of the semester looming, you may not be thinking much about Christmas. Yet the Advent season is pregnant with hope and preparation as we anticipate the coming of the Lord. During these busy days, remember to make room in your heart for the Lord Jesus. Find a quiet place to read about the birth of Jesus in the gospels, or listen to your favorite Christmas music.
Check out these Advent resources. If you’d like a daily devotional or Scripture reading in your email inbox, sign up at BibleGateway.com. Biola University offers the Advent Project with hymns, art and a daily devotional through an online Advent calendar. Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Scripture Exchange

NCF student leader Sharon North took the idea of a Scripture Exchange from Campus Vitals and used it at her campus. Read more to find out the power of a sticky note.
Renee Lick, NCF Director of Student Ministries, recently had the opportunity to present a workshop, “Caring for the Spiritual Needs of our Patients,” for 220 students and faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). It was sponsored by the UIC College of Nursing. At the seminar, Renee addressed how the spiritual life of nurses directly affects the spiritual care given to their patients. She asked every student to find a partner and answer one spiritual assessment question. <more>