As a new school year begins, NCF students have unique opportunities to care for others. "God has you on your campus for so much more than just your nursing education," said Renee Lick, NCF Student Ministries Director.
In the video, "A Vision for Nursing Students," Renee outlines how students can bring their friends and patients to Jesus by praying, inviting and being equipped for spiritual conversations. "Nursing students in our NCF chapters are in a strategic place to care for the spiritual needs of others and bring them to Jesus for healing." See more of Renee's vision.

Spread the word about NCF
A new semester begins! Welcome others to your NCF group with these ideas for New Student Outreach. Host an NCF table at your school of nursing or promote your group when your school introduces new students to campus organizations. Be visible so that nursing students can easily find and be connected to NCF on your campus. NCF is a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Watch the video, What Matters to InterVarsity.
Ministry resources for you

FREE OFFER! Get your ministry year off to a great start with free NCF resources! We will send a sample packet of resources to the first 25 student leaders or faculty advisors who request them. Email Bonnie with your mailing address and receive:
- A Journal of Christian Nursing quarterly periodical
- Spiritual Care Card – a pocket-size guide for spiritual assessment and intervention
- NCF business cards with website address
- 2+ cards – an intentional prayer guide
- NCF post-it pads
- NCF Stethoscope tag
Get a Scholarship for Urbana 12

Nursing may be your profession, but what's your mission? This video is an invitation to attend Urbana 12 and learn how health is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus. Grace Tazelaar, NCF Missions Director, invites you and your NCF friends to explore healthcare options at Urbana 12 and be a part of this life-changing conference.
Plan now to attend Urbana 12 from December 27-31, 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri. NCF scholarships are available; email Bonnie for more information.