NCF is Here For You!

Nursing school can be tough! Long nights studying, stressful clinicals, no time to hang out with friends. NCF is here for you in nursing school. Through our live campus and virtual groups as well as our resources, NCF helps you explore and integrate faith and nursing.

Why Join NCF

  • Resume building
  • Connection to larger community of NCF students & nurses — national student retreats available!
  • Award-winning Journal of Christian Nursing with print + online access
  • Leadership development — professional Journal Club, Tabletop Discussions & more with national nurse leaders!
  • Faith resources — we provide devotionals & Bible study content
  • Ongoing support in college and after, including a mentorship program — connecting your faith & vocation for the long haul!
  • Multiple discounts on nursing books and products with our exclusive partners

DON'T MISS OUT! Special offer for NSNA members: Join NCF NOW with all member benefits for only $25! 

  • Select membership option "Nursing Student print and online Journal of Christian Nursing
  • Complete the form and under Running Total enter Coupon Code "NSNA"  
  • Not ready to join? Click below to Connect with Student Community and/or Receive Resources

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