Christian Nurse Blog

Living with loss is not what anyone wishes, but loss and grieving are unavoidable.

In the face of hopelessness surrounded by darkness, God’s redeeming strength brings light and life to a nursing school.

As faculty and staff return to campus, meditate on this prayer and all that God promises to those who trust him.

Can you use a few words—three, actually--of encouragement this week?

When a nurse prays with or for a patient, is the nurse pushing a personal faith practice on an unwilling individual?

When regret shows up in our lives, how we face that regret may reflect how we view God.

How’s your prayer habit? Are you on remote control, or are you emulating powerful prayers from Scripture?

A cascade of prayer and a carload of gift baskets convey care and compassion to health workers trying to heal from trauma.

Nursing educators sometimes do their best work by listening intently to their students and envisioning conflictive scenarios as opportunities.

Remembering an oncology nurse whose own cancer battle is now over is one way to celebrate the life and nursing ministry of a beloved friend.


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