Christian Nurse Blog

A hospice nurse in a remote mountain community offers the most essential treatment to her patient.

Maintaining emotional and spiritual balance depends on a regular diet of God’s Word.

Holding the shaking hand of a fearful patient and looking with mercy into the eyes of a desperate person—this is nursing with God-given grace.

A nurse texts messages of encouragement to co-workers as a means of representing Jesus in her workplace

Jesus understands our patients’ pain, and we can help them realize that.

Half-frozen grape juice drinks and playground dates arranged by a compassionate nurse bless a mother awaiting a heart transplant.

Can an inexperienced nursing student help a patient who desperately needs healing?

A recovered ID card speaks truth about God’s care to a patient and his nurse.

God has clear words for us when we’re navigating hard times and big life questions.

The author of restoration has the most excellent plots planned for you and me.


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