December 31, 2019Shalom: A Toast to Health Seek harmony with yourself this year. Here’s a way to get started.
November 26, 2019Give Thanks, Get Healthy Can being thankful do more than meet the requisite Thanksgiving Day expectation?
August 13, 2019Hope and Disappointment Embrace hope--even when disappointment is surrounding you--through this encouraging devotional.
July 30, 2019Prayer: Seeing with the Heart Praying expectantly is a privilege—and a crucial need for nurses and for NCF.
July 02, 2019Hard Faith: A Devotional Painful experiences—ours and others’—push us to wonder if trusting in God is worth it.
June 25, 2019Nurse Mindfulness, Jesus Style Fully engaging with our patients and colleagues is one means of practicing nursing from a God-centered point of view.
June 18, 2019New Bible Studies Now Online Acting justly, showing mercy, and walking faithfully with God are at the heart of six new, free Bible studies for students and nurses.
May 07, 2019Spiritual Answers for Incivility The Bible offers practical, positive responses for nurses to apply to a toxic workplace.
April 03, 2019Thirsty? Assess Your Spiritual Hydration Does your spiritual life need some refreshing? Spiritual dehydration can come on subtly—and the results can be dire.
February 15, 2019New Bible Studies Available Six new Bible studies have been added to the Follow Jesus in Nursing series which is available for free.