August 20, 2024Powerful Mind Renewal Imprinting God’s own words in our minds—memorizing Scripture—is an essential key to being transformed into Jesus’ likeness.
August 13, 2024Prayer While Walking When we prayer walk, God sharpens our awareness in the people and places around us.
August 06, 2024Connected to God: Spiritual Practices Keep company with Jesus daily and through the day with spiritual rhythms.
July 09, 2024Journey to Resilience Years of adversity and incivility cultivated a firm base of resilience for nurse and educator Santhiny Rajamohan.
June 04, 2024Reading the Bible with a Diverse Community We can understand of God’s Word in an exponentially enhanced way when we read it with people different from ourselves.
April 16, 2024Jesus Was in the Room Weaving prayer and spiritual rhythms into a nurse’s work day is powerful, impactful, and doable.
December 19, 2023Mary’s Understanding When God asks you to join in something impossible, trust he has a plan.
November 28, 2023Waiting Well in the Dark We can flourish by opening up to the unknown in this season of darkness and anticipation.
November 21, 2023Devotional: Anxiety-Driven Prayers? Invite Jesus into your anxiety and mature your prayer practice.
November 07, 2023Devotional: Seeing with God’s Eyes We’re trained to see beyond the physical needs of our patients. Could we also see our colleagues and co-workers from a new angle?