August 31, 2021A Prayer Before School As faculty and staff return to campus, meditate on this prayer and all that God promises to those who trust him.
August 24, 2021Three Encouraging Words Can you use a few words—three, actually--of encouragement this week?
August 10, 2021Bootlaces and Regret When regret shows up in our lives, how we face that regret may reflect how we view God.
August 03, 2021Audacious Praying? Yes! How’s your prayer habit? Are you on remote control, or are you emulating powerful prayers from Scripture?
July 13, 2021On the Other Side Remembering an oncology nurse whose own cancer battle is now over is one way to celebrate the life and nursing ministry of a beloved friend.
June 29, 2021Do You Need Sacred Space? Permission to breathe, to celebrate, to grieve, to be present--sacred space is what God desires with each of us.
June 22, 2021Dose Yourself with Gratitude Gratitude is both a spiritual practice and a health-producing, research-supported mindset, even—especially—when life is dry and hard.
June 01, 2021Nursing: A Sacred Work? How can a nurse frame his or her work stress to good effect? One evidence-based option is considering one’s work as sacred.
May 18, 2021 Mentoring: It's About Relationship Professional development is a continual process for nurses, and mentoring is a means for novice and experienced nurses to grow professionally and spiritually.
March 09, 2021Devotional: Bouncing Back! Hard times and suffering aren’t merely awful—God can produce GOOD through these when we exercise spiritual resilience.