October 03, 2023Devotional: God is Present with Us Hectic work and home life plus hard times and weariness can mask the supernatural reality that God is present with us.
August 22, 2023Devotional: God Sees Me Reflecting and meditating on the names of God strengthens and deepens our spiritual rhythms of trust and prayer.
August 08, 2023Facing Pain as a Nurse Where is God in the midst of a patient’s intractable pain—or our own suffering?
August 01, 2023When Nursing and Hospitality Meet The ancient practice of hospitality is much alive and needed in our nursing practice today.
July 25, 2023Longing and True Belonging How does citizenship in God’s kingdom influence our lives day to day?
June 13, 2023Too Tired for Daily Devotions? Time is perpetually short, particularly when we need to meet with God and hear from him.
June 06, 2023How Jesus Cares for Caregivers When caring for people means experiencing their suffering, we can sometimes wonder, who’s caring for me?
April 25, 2023Devotional: Value the Small Things Do your efforts to serve God seem puny and insignificant? What does God think?
April 11, 2023Gratitude & Listening Cultivating gratitude accentuates our reflection of Jesus and invites others into our story.