August 13, 2019Hope and Disappointment Embrace hope--even when disappointment is surrounding you--through this encouraging devotional.
July 02, 2019Hard Faith: A Devotional Painful experiences—ours and others’—push us to wonder if trusting in God is worth it.
June 04, 2019Peace in the Storm: A Devotional Tumultuous waves from the deep waters of life threaten but can’t drown us when we embrace the peace of Christ.
May 21, 2019Transitioning? God Has You. Nurses inevitably undergo transitions, but we can count on God even while encountering change.
May 02, 2019Not Alone: Support for Nurses For National Nurses Week, here’s a refreshing, strengthening Bible study for nurses and students in all areas of practice.
April 16, 2019Suffering is a Reason for Gratitude A nurse's personal experience with trauma amplifies her understanding of Jesus' suffering for us in this Easter devotional.
April 03, 2019Thirsty? Assess Your Spiritual Hydration Does your spiritual life need some refreshing? Spiritual dehydration can come on subtly—and the results can be dire.
February 26, 2019Promises That Overcome Death How can we believe that real joy and gladness will overtake the brokenness and death we encounter?
January 31, 2019Where Does My Help Come From? Feeling sucked dry in every way and facing another 12-hour shift with difficult, needy patients, a nurse looks up and connects with the source of strength.
January 16, 2018Hope for the New Year When we hope in God, we look upward and focus on the future with an eager anticipation of what God can and will do.