You can do a spiritual assessment of your nursing school by going on a prayer walk! The goal of a prayer walk is to walk around your nursing school and observe, interact with others and pray! Nursing students and faculty are already well-equipped for prayer-walking as we value physical exercise and have stellar assessment skills!
Here are a few tips for your next prayer walk:
• Invite a friend! Start your walk in groups of two so you won't overwhelm others by walking in a larger group.
• Observe: open your eyes and pay attention to what you see as you walk and pray. Don't close your eyes when you pray; it's hazardous! What do you notice as you assess what is around you? See if you can find the answers to these questions:
1. When and where would I find the most nursing students on campus?
2. What would be the best location and time for a Bible study that they could be a part of?
3. How could I build relationships with them outside of Bible study? What things do they already do together?
4. How is the Gospel actually “Good News” to nursing students? How does Jesus meet their needs?
Ask God to open your eyes to the people and aspects of the campus that he wants you to see.
• Walk and pray with confidence! You can talk out loud to God in prayer and not appear strange or awkward. Those you pray with and for will respond favorably when you communicate intentionally with them and God.
• Offer to pray for others you see during your walk. You might say, "Hi, my name is Jane and this is my friend, John, and we are with Nurses Christian Fellowship. We are praying for the school of nursing today. Is there something we can pray about for you right now?" Make sure you get their names and then if they say yes to praying, give a short and simple prayer right there. Invite them to your next NCF Bible study or event and then continue on your walk.
• Debrief with everyone who did the prayer walk. Gather together and thank God for what he showed you and the students you met along the way. What was difficult or easy for each person about doing the prayer walk? Perhaps you thought it would be challenging but discovered that God gave you the words to say just when you needed them. Discuss what you observed, who God led you to pray for, and what stood out to you about your school and the people there. What are ways that you and your friends can respond to the needs you saw during your walk? What's the next step?
Plan to do another prayer walk and invite new friends to join you next time!