It may seem like you just filled out the fall survey, but it is time for the end of year survey! Thank you for your timely communication with us. The survey is essential to our record keeping of our student chapters.
Please fill out this 5 minute survey before May 15th.
The first five chapters to fill out the survey will receive an NCF water bottle!
Leadership Selection Happening Now
Now, more than ever, having a community of support for nursing students to grow in relationship with one another, the Lord, and reach others with the love of Jesus as a sustaining presence during nursing school and beyond is crucial! So, as you think about NCF next year, who might be the students invited into leadership?
Who are your students that have a heart for those around them?
We don’t know what the fall will look like, but we do know that the Lord is already there and not surprised by any changes that are coming.
Think about how you can pass the baton well even as you minster in digital spaces. Consider holding a “Baton Passing Ceremony” over Zoom where you can thank the current leadership team and pray for and commission your new leaders. If you do not have new leaders for the fall, please do not hesitate to reach out to NCF and schedule a conversation about recruitment in this season.

Thank You Graduating Seniors!
Check out this video from our Student Ministries Director, Jen.
We want to stay connected to you and continue to provide resources to you after graduation. Join us for a Senior Send-Off Student Time on Thursday, May 21st, at 7 pm CST (8 pm EST, 6 pm MST, 5 pm PST) or Saturday, May 23rd, at 10 am CST. We'll have a lively discussion about life after college, spend time in prayer and provide encouragement.
Join the meeting here!
As a send off, please consider staying connected to NCF through our professional membership. We offer a discounted membership for graduating seniors in addition to a free sample of the Journal of Christian Nursing and NCF swag as a thank-you for investing time serving your campus through NCF student ministry. Please click here for the Graduating Senior Special Offer.
Celebrate the Year of the Nurse
2020 marks a special celebration for the nursing community. It's been named the Year of the Nurse/International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Join NCF in celebrating nurses during the entire month of May as we provide free resources and special promotions each week! Visit the Year of the Nurse page on the NCF site each week for new content. Week 1 was kicked off Friday, May 1, and it's all about self-care!

Wall of Honor
To celebrate nurses, during the month of May, NCF is hosting a virtual "Wall of Honor." Take a look at the Wall of Honor webpage and feel free to nominate a special nurse who has made a difference in your life by filling out the submission form here! Each submission is $10 and supports the ministry of NCF.
In Christ,

Student Ministries Director, Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA