In This Issue:
Ending Well: Evaluate and Look Forward

As we finish a school year, there is temptation to just drop whatever we have carried, let out a huge breath, and move on. But how can we fully let go of what is behind us if we don’t know what it is? Often, whether a season has been a challenge or a joy, God has something in it to show us where we can grow in the future. Take a bit of time to think through:
- What has been the biggest challenge in this past season? The biggest comfort?
- Where did I see, or not notice, God most clearly in this season?
- Who are the people who have been through this time with me? Who else around me could use a community like this?
- How is my NCF community? Based on what we experienced this past year, where do I sense God leading?
Mentorship Groups for New Grads
We are so excited about this new program for recent grads! The profession of nursing offers an incredible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Nursing can also be chaotic, messy, and stressful. Having someone you can be open and real with, who can also empathize with your challenges and support your faith, can be critical in your success. You don’t have to do it alone! Be a part of a small group of new nurses just like yourself with a nurse mentor who will listen, provide encouragement, and pray for you in your first year of practice.
Mentorship is part of our professional membership; we are offering all recent grads the opportunity to join the NCF professional community at the student price of $35/year. Click here to join. We have scholarships available to offset the membership price; email Jen at jen.wojtysiak@intervarsity.org and let her know if you need a scholarship. After that, complete a brief questionnaire by clicking here.
Come and See: Summer Devotional

Being a nursing student is hard! Being a nursing student in 2022 has challenges that almost seem insurmountable, if not for Jesus! As nursing students and NCF leaders, we want to encourage you this summer to come and see Jesus. Let him meet you and fill you, preparing you to go back to your campus and nursing department in the fall to go and tell. Tell the nursing students in your cohort about him, inviting them to come and see Jesus for themselves through NCF. Feel free to share these devotionals with those around you! You will find each devotional starting June 6th here.
Your Voices: Laura Logan, MSN, RN, CCRN, DeWitt School of Nursing, Stephen F. Austin State University
I think the best prayer I have for any nursing advisor for a NCF chapter is this scripture:“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you" James 1:5 NIV I started an official NCF chapter where I teach in the Fall semester of 2019. It was a blessing because I was burned out, tired, and insecure in my role as nurse educator after 13 years of teaching. I was desperate to give students a different type of support. I wanted them to know that God loves them and will never leave them, even in this scary work called nursing school. My vision was that the support would provide the peace of God, holy guidance, and the love of Jesus.
After approval from my director, I emailed a flier to all the students and current faculty in the SON for an interest meeting. The interest was there, and these students created the chapter from the ground up. The first meeting, we had over 30 students and 10 faculty members. My teaching philosophy is to guide students with what they already know to the answer to their question(s). So, I asked questions. What do you want NCF to look like here at this school? How do you want to advertise the gatherings? What do you want to do? Agenda? How can we honor Jesus and the student members' time? How can the faculty help? What do you see as the faculty role in the chapter?
In the beginning, I encouraged monthly meetings. An agenda, starting on time and ending on time, provide food, have a worship time and prayer time.The four types of meetings that are attended the most:
Game night - usually the first night
Worship and Speaker night - second gathering- (usually find a Christian nurse who will speak)
Faculty panel night - Third Gathering (have students collect questions from students about how faculty carry out their faith in nursing)
Senior night - last gathering of the semester. We have a celebration and a Blessing of the Hands ceremony.
A requirement I made is for the students to complete a service project. They have asked students and faculty for donations of canned food for the student pantry, supplies for children to start school, women’s shelter donations, and other ministry items to help local non-profit organizations. This has been a good outreach to the community that supports those who we, as nurses, serve.
There is no charge or dues expected for membership to the chapter. But, the students do fundraise. The chapter raised over $300 and that money is now used for supplies for the gatherings, graduation cords, and for senior night. We recently opened a bank account for the chapter to make the transactions easier and traceable. Any donation made to the NCF chapter receives a personally handwritten thank you card. As the main faculty advisor, I do my best to hold the student leaders accountable for thank you notes.
This next academic year, I am mentoring a new faculty member I taught, to become the main faculty advisor. She will find a co-advisor by the spring semester to walk alongside her and I will step away from this role. Three plus years I have led these precious students and I am so grateful for each of them. God has other ministries for me to do, for my good and His glory!
Urbana Scholarships: Early bird discount ends June 30th!

The Urbana Student Missions Conference is a milestone moment. It’s a sacred space for vibrant, multicultural worship, dynamic Bible teachings, and eye-opening testimonies from the global Church. It’s a space for whole-life, whole-world discipleship, discovering how God is calling us to use our gifts and passions in his global mission. NCF is hosting a healthcare lounge at Urbana, a hospitable space to come and talk about healthcare relevant questions. Early Bird registration ends June 30th so use this code: U22BEST250. Register now at https://urbana.org/registration. You can apply for an NCF scholarship to help cover the cost. To apply, click here. NCF wants to support you as you explore God’s call on your life through missions.
Summer Faculty Opportunity!

On top of all the benefits of being an NCF member, this summer we are offering faculty who are NCF members free participation in InterVarsity’s Via Divina: The Franciscan Way with InterVarsity Faculty Ministry. Join InterVarsity Faculty Ministry June 28 - August 2 and engage with five audio-guides that follow St. Francis through the narrow stone streets of Assisi and along the dirt paths of the Umbrian countryside. We will share in his journey of transformation from disillusioned youth to joy-filled fool for Christ. Francis' full-hearted embodiment of the way of Jesus sparked a deeply felt renewal within himself and within the Church. Let the stories of Francis and Clare, along with scripture, prayer practices, and contemporary stories, inspire you this summer in an experience of walking in the Divine Way the Via Divina.
If you’re not already, become an NCF member here Choose the “I lead an NCF group for students or nurses'' option and on the next page enter the password NCFLEADER. Then choose the $45 auto renew print and online option. As an NCF member, use the discount code NCF to register on the Via Divina registration page to take the course at no chage (a $50 value!).
Journal Club: Bridging the Racial Divide
Join author Tajuane Dockery on July 21st to discuss her soon to be released JCN article, Bridging the Racial Divide: Nurses Leading by Christ’s Example. Registration will be available in the next Campus Vitals. 1.5 NCPD hours will be awarded to NCF members. Watch for this important article in the July/September JCN. Come and bring students and colleagues to this special journal club focused on racial healing.
In Christ,

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