July 2024 Prayer and Praise Calendar

July 2024 Prayer and Praise Calendar

You can download the July 2024 prayer calendar here.

Week One:

  • July 1 – Pray for Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, NCF’s National Director, and her husband, Richard. Richard was involved in a car accident with a semi-truck last month. We are incredibly grateful for God’s mercy in sparing Richard’s life. Pray for relief from pain and for recovery. Pray for strength and endurance for Kathy as she supports Richard.
  • July 2 – We lift up the family, friends, and colleagues of Sandra Jamison, a long-time friend of Nurses Christian Fellowship and InterVarsity, who passed away in June. Sandy experienced so much pain in her life. Yet her faith was always so strong. We rejoice she is now whole and experiencing God fully. Sandy leaves behind a legacy of prayer and support for this ministry and the nursing profession.
  • July 3 – We thank God for his provision for the ministry and staff of Nurses Christian Fellowship as our fiscal year closed June 30th. We acknowledge God's leading in ministry and our dependence on him in our work. We could not do this work without you! Thank you for making such a difference in the lives of so many.
  • July 4 – We acknowledge the gifts and freedoms many in this country possess. We ask God to give us eyes to see those who do not have access to even the most basic of needs. Help us to be an advocate for those whose voice is not heard. Give wisdom and discernment to our local, state, and national leaders to provide justice and equity for all they serve.
  • July 5 – Praise God for a great new grad group that met with Lara Kaiser, NCF’s Associate Director of Student Ministries, over June. There were 24 new grads who participated in at least one meeting. Many have passed their NCLEX and had great interviews leading to new jobs. A number of these grads are also moving to a new city or home in July. Prayers are needed for this season of transition.
  • July 6 – Praise God for the attendance and participation of nurses around the globe at the NCFI World Congress in June. There were wonderful conversations and the needs and values of Christian nursing were lifted up.


Week Two:

  • July 7 – It has been a long journey for Skip McDonald, InterVarsity’s Spiritual Formation Specialist to campuses in the Southeast, in the healing of her left foot from a surgical wound that opened in January. Please pray for the wound to close with healthy tissue and for strength as Skip continues to recover.
  • July 8 – Pray for a friend of Rowan Harper, NCF’s IT/Administrative Assistant), who is a part of the undergrad InterVarsity and just had a brain tumor removed. It has been determined to be cancer that may have spread to his spinal cord. Pray for his recovery, and that treatment would cure the cancer as well as prevent it from returning.
  • July 9 – Pray for nursing graduates as they take the NCLEX. We ask for peace, retention of the material, strong critical thinking, and clinical judgment in the answers selected. We also remember those graduates who were not initially successful. May they have compassion for themselves and recognize their identity and worth not in the results of this exam, but in who they are in Christ. May they be encouraged to press on knowing that God is with them.
  • July 10 – We ask God to move and work in the lives of recent graduates who have asked to be mentored in the coming year by nurses of faith. Pray for connection and relationships. May their time talking together, sharing experiences, and praying with one another provide a closer relationship to Jesus Christ for both the mentor and the mentee.
  • July 11 – Pray for God’s leading in the search for a new Senior Editor for Journal of Christian Nursing. We ask God to bring those of his choosing and make it clear who he is calling to serve in this capacity.
  • July 12 – Lara Kaiser and her husband, Andy, celebrate their 10-year wedding anniversary today. They thank God for how good he has been to us over the last decade.
  • July 13 – Pray for weary educators raising the next generation of nurses. Some may be on summer break; others may be teaching. Ask God to refresh and restore each one.


Week Three:

  • July 14 – We thank God for the community that is a part of our nurse groups. Pray for our nurse groups to continue to be safe places for students, faculty, and nurses. We ask God to use our Sunday night prayer group times to draw us into deeper intimacy with him.
  • July 15 – Please pray for the new fiscal year to start out strong financially for NCF staff.  We praise God for our support teams.
  • July 16 – Margaret De Jong Morgenthaler, one of our editors for the Journal of Christian Nursing and also the Director for the Pregnancy Care Center of Aroostook in northern Maine, asks for prayers as they continue the conversion to a medical clinic to offer limited ultrasound services for pregnant girls and women. Pray for wisdom in all steps of this complicated process, and for these medical services to overflow with love and draw clients to Christ and save the lives of the unborn. 
  • July 17 – Continue to pray for nurses around the country who are tired, weary, and facing staff shortages and a lack of resources in their work environments. May we remember God’s presence in our lives and that we are not alone in our challenges. May NCF minister in the lives of others and be a support and encouragement in our faith and practice.
  • July 18 – Pray for nurses as they explore the possibilities of starting a nurse group locally or virtually. We ask God to smooth any rough places and remove any barriers in starting their groups. Give wisdom and insight as these nurses listen to the needs of other nurses and the call of the Holy Spirit.
  • July 19 – Continue to remember in prayer NCF staff who are dealing with difficult family situations and supporting the needs of loved ones. We ask God to give us the strength, patience, and wisdom we need in each moment.
  • July 20 – Pray for our faith community nurses in the unique and different areas where they serve. May God provide insight, wisdom, sensitivity, and presence to the needs they face in their work and ministry.

Week Four:

  • July 21 – We are excited about the changes taking place in NCF’s ministry! Jen Wojtysiak is the Director of both Student and Professional Nurse Ministries. Pray for connection as she meets and gets to know our nurse group leaders. Pray also for ongoing wisdom and discernment in leading these groups and for ways our groups can better collaborate.
  • July 22 – Pray for our entire NCF staff team to have courage and joy as we dig into ministry partnership development for staff “Fortifying the Vision” meetings scheduled throughout this week. May it be a time to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ and each other, and to grow our ministry partnership teams.
  • July 23 – Ask the Holy Spirit to guide NCF in marketing efforts to reach nursing students, faculty, and nurses; pray for our web, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, and other media outreaches – that it would honor God and draw nurses to him.
  • July 24 – Pray for Christy Secor as she begins a new role supporting and encouraging students, faculty, and nurses as the Spiritual Formation and Prayer Specialist for NCF. We pray God uses Christy to be a strong listening ear for others as she provides a safe place for conversation and sharing.
  • July 25 – Pray for this evening’s Journal Club entitled The Gamut of Grief: Supporting Patients and Families with Hope. Grief is complex and an ever-present part of our work as nurses. Nurses need to be aware of grief processes and learn about ways to support families and patients in their hardest moments. This Journal Club focuses on equipping nurses to recognize complex grief and to be able to come alongside others.
  • July 26 – Pray for Jane Hall, NCF’s former National Director, and Christy Secor as they begin planning a special national webinar in September on empathy. We ask God for his leadership in the information presented and that the content will be helpful for all who participate.
  • July 27 – Pray for the Lord to enlarge, lengthen, and strengthen the NCF professional nurse groups in our country (Isaiah 54:2). Give strength and wisdom to our nurse group leaders as they prepare and as they lead. We ask God to protect and guide our leaders as many also face their own individual and personal challenges.


Week Five:

  • July 28 – Pray for our Journal of Christian Nursing editorial team as we regularly go through the process of editing manuscripts, creating artwork, and preparing another issue for publication. 
  • July 29 – We pray the Holy Spirit continues to raise up potential new leaders of student groups and calms any fears or concerns they may have so that NCF student chapters can enter the fall semester strong.
  • July 30 – Skip McDonald recently completed a training called, "Anxiety Transformed."  Please pray for wisdom as she determines how best to use this information in the outreach and needs of students.
  • July 31 – Pray for the NCF fall student retreat planning team as the team comes together over the next few months.


You can download the July 2024 prayer calendar here.