In This Issue:
- What God? You Want Me to Pray for How Long?
- Need a New Student Outreach Idea? Self-Care Night!
- 2 Prayer Resources from IVCF
- New NCF Swag!
- Join NCF
What God? You Want Me to Pray for How Long?
When I was stepping into a new leadership role with InterVarsity a few years back, I began feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and irritable with those around me. Those are feelings I am guessing you can relate to as well. Whether you are a faculty member or a student, on top of your NCF responsibilities, you have classes, clinicals, and more on your plate. As I brought those feelings to the Lord, he invited me into a season of prayer. Specifically to pray for an hour a day five days a week! Needless to say I thought he was crazy! I didn’t have an hour a day, I was already stressed and not getting done what I wanted to now.
But, I trusted him and said yes to his invitation. Over the next year, as I sat in prayer, the Lord sifted me, settled me, and reminded me of how big he is and how small I am.
This might be a season of stress for you. Consider how prayer might be a way to connect with God and re-center your life in him. As you pray for your concerns and for those around you, there may be a work in you he is wanting to accomplish. It doesn’t have to be an hour a day, even 5 minutes with your Creator is enough to settle your soul.
Need a New Student Outreach Idea? Self-Care Night!
As you all know, taking the time to care for yourself as a nurse faculty member and nursing student is so important! We are created as whole beings. Body, mind, heart, and soul are connected to one another in the image of the Most High. As followers of Jesus we know he rested, studied the word, and prayed to stay connected to the Father. Let’s follow his example! We can also share that good news with the nursing students around us with an outreach night focused on self-care. January is a great time to reach out to new students and invite them to check out NCF. Having an event like a Self-Care Night provides a space to invite non-NCF members to meet NCF members and see all that we care about.
Some ideas for your Self-Care Night include:
Having a nurse come in and speak personally about their own holistic approach to self-care.
Making invitations and personally handing them out in the first few weeks of class.
Providing self-care packages at the event with granola bars, water, and other thoughtful items to show the students you care!
2 Prayer Resources from IVCF
Do you ever struggle in your NCF chapter with how to pray for those around you? Check out these NEW! prayer cards to help you pray and share your faith with those in your classes. Each card has a prayer map, listening prayer, and more! You can contextualize them to your campus and chapter and use them to pray for the nursing students on your college or university.
New NCF Swag!
Check out our new NCF swag now available in the IV Store! We have water bottles and T-shirts available for purchase. These would make great gifts for graduating seniors, and of course, don't forget to grab one for youself to show off your NCF pride! Plus, we still have stickers for your favorite water bottle or laptop case. And pens, too! Share the NCF love...pick up some swag today!

Join NCF
We’d love for you to become a member of NCF and receive the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, free and discounted CE, and other great benefits! Any pre-licensure nursing students can join NCF for either $25 (online access to JCN) or $35 (print and online JCN); faculty advisors join for just $37 (online access to JCN) or $45 (print and online JCN) using code NCFFA43. Join today!
As always, we are here for you as you lead in NCF. Please reach out anytime with questions about your NCF group. We want you and those around you to experience renewal through the connection of your faith and vocation. Praying for you all as we start a new semester!
In Christ,

Student Ministries Director, Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA