February 2024 Prayer and Praise Calendar

Week One:

  •   February 1 – Pray for the Lord Jesus, the Great Physician, to keep all of the NCF staff healthy. A number of our staff have been struggling with respiratory viruses for several weeks. Pray also for staff who are dealing with difficult family situations. We ask God to give us the strength and wisdom we need in each moment.
  •   February 2 – Pray for connection, clarity, openness, and a strong web signal as Christy Secor, NCF’s Professional Ministries Director, shares with healthcare students on February 3rd about ways we can continue to have hope in the face of trauma. Her presentation, “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” will be a part of InterVarsity’s Winter Conference for South Dakota.
  •   February 3 – Today is a big day for Student Ministries! Abide and Flourish is an in-person retreat being held today in York, Pennsylvania. Pray for the speakers, two women from Lancaster, who host the Renewed Nurse podcast. Pray for them as they teach and for the students, faculty, and alumni who come for the time of worship and discussion.


NCF’s Student Ministries is also hosting its annual virtual retreat for students today called Refresh What’s Broken. Be with the speaker, Heidi Saarinen, the faculty advisor for NCF at North Dakota State University, as she explores the concept of kintsugi, the Japanese art of fixing broken items with gold, making the item stronger and more valuable than before it was broken. Pray for her time of sharing, along with group discussions, to encourage and renew students as they seek to follow Jesus in nursing.  


Week Two:

  • February 4 – We lift up the grandfather of Rachel Phelps, NCF’s Campus Volunteer at High Point University, whose cancer has metastasized to his brain. Pray for Rachel’s grandfather to continue to sense God’s presence and or comfort in the challenges he faces. Pray also for the family as they provide support and encouragement to him and to each other.
  • February 5 – Pray for leaders to step up for a new professional nurse group in Southeast Michigan. Give them clear direction as they seek God’s will in moving forward.
  • February 6 – The Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF) conference is coming up on March 14-16 in Covington, Kentucky. Pray for the conference and those who will be attending.  This domestic medical missions conference is designed for people who see healthcare as a calling and are committed to missional, faith-driven healthcare here in the United States.
  • February 7 – Pray for Lara Kaiser, NCF’s Associate Director of Student Ministries, and her husband as they start the house-hunting process as first-time home buyers.  They are a little nervous about making this commitment. Pray that Jesus would lead them in the process and to the right home, place, and neighbors that he's called them to.
  • February 8 – We thank God, along with Journal of Christian Nursing editors, for the collaboration with JCN authors Kristin Helms and Santhiny Rajamohan for the quarterly Journal Club webinar tonight, Praying the Psalms: A Key Strategy for Resilience. Ask God to revive and strengthen nurses who attend this learning opportunity about praying the Psalms, and for the technology and interaction to take place smoothly.
  • February 9 – Pray for all the NCF student groups that are planting. Pray they will be able to overcome obstacles and connect with interested students. 
  • February 10 – Please lift up the family of Colleen Christenson, NCF’s Nurse Staff Minister, who had an extended family member go home to be with the Lord.  Prayers for their families are much appreciated.


Week Three:

  • February 11 – We thank God for the community that’s a part of our nurse groups. Pray for our nurse groups to continue to be safe places for students, faculty, and nurses. We lift up our Sunday night prayer group times and ask God to use this time to draw us into deeper intimacy with you, God.
  • February 12 – Praise God for the continuing conversations that are happening with the NCF Podcast - Following Jesus in Nursing! We ask God to use this outreach in amazing ways in the lives of students, faculty, and nurses.
  • February 13 – Pray for encouragement and wisdom in overcoming barriers for Rachel Phelps, our Campus Volunteer, as she supports the NCF student chapter at High Point University. Grow connections and relationships among students, faculty, and Jesus.
  • February 14 – Pray for our Spring JCN Editorial Board meeting that is coming up. May it be a profitable time where most of our board members will be able to attend.
  • February 15 – Many students experience some seasonal depression and fatigue in February. Pray for their energy and endurance.
  • February 16 – We praise God for Rowan Harper, NCF’s IT Specialist, and the new professional nurse group she is leading in Madison, Wisconsin. We ask God to use this group to meet the needs of nurses in the area. May they draw closer to Jesus through these times of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.
  • February 17 – Continue to pray for nurses around the country who are tired, weary, and facing staff shortages and a lack of resources in their work environments. May they be reminded of God’s presence in their lives and that they are not alone in the challenges they face. May NCF be used in their lives to be a support and encouragement in their faith and their practice.


Week Four:

  • February 18 – We are thankful for open doors with students, faculty, and nurses and pray for new opportunities and conversations to provide support and encouragement through our student and nurse groups. We ask God to continue to provide wisdom and discernment as we follow his leading for what is his work.
  • February 19 – Please pray for the 2nd annual Journal of Christian Nursing Writer's Contest and for more entries to continue to come in. We ask for this outreach to be a productive way for us to connect with new authors and increase potential columns for the journal.
  • February 20 – Many nurses and faculty are struggling in their roles. Pray that each would know and accept God’s perfect will for them professionally.
  • February 21 – We pray Isaiah 54:2 “for the Lord to expand our borders” at NCF by raising up new nurse group leaders.
  • February 22 – Pray for wisdom for leaders across the globe and or preparations that still need completing for the Nurses Christian Fellowship International’s World Congress in Spain in June 2024.
  • February 23 – We ask God for wisdom and discernment for NCF’s leadership team. Join us in asking God how we can grow and serve more students and nurses in knowing and following Jesus.
  • February 24 – We praise God for seeds being planted through our student and nurse groups. Remind our student leaders, faculty advisors, and nurse group leaders that their faithfulness makes a difference not only now, but in the years to come of others.


Week Five:

  • February 25 – Pray for the leaders of the NCF Texas nurse group as they plan for the March 2024 Refresh retreat. We ask God to grow the number of registrations. May students, faculty, and nurses from across the country experience hope and renewal in their faith in Jesus Christ.
  • February 26 – We pray for the work and outreach of faith community nurses in their churches, parishes, and communities. May God bless and encourage them in the challenges and barriers they encounter.
  • February 27 – We ask for God’s presence among nurse group leaders who gather this evening for a time of connection, networking, Bible study, and prayer. Guide our discussion and give us insight as we support students, faculty, and nurses across the country.
  • February 28 – Pray that God continues to provide creative thinking and focus to the staff who produce NCF’s social media. Ask him to use this outlet to invite more nurses into NCF and to offer information and content that strengthen nurses’ work and faith.
  • February 29 – Celebrate and praise God for the ways Jesus works through nurses to effectively bring needed care and healing to patients throughout the world. Pray that nurses can continue to reach and benefit those in need through their daily work and that they keep their sense of identity and purpose rooted deeply in Jesus Christ.


You can download the February 2024 prayer calendar here.