In This Issue:
Discipleship Moment: Be a World Changer
My favorite definition of discipleship is “the process of making someone more like Christ”. This happens on a regular basis in nursing school and as nurses. As you care for others, sometimes at a great cost to yourself, know that Christ, our ultimate caregiver, is being formed in you (Galatians 4:19). He is carefully and gently guiding and molding you into his image. The image that demonstrated sacrificial love to the world. That is a high aspiration. Being a caregiver is a high calling that allows you a unique opportunity to demonstrate sacrificial love to a hurting world. Wow! Talk about being a world changer!
When you think about being a world changer, how does that make you feel? What questions does it make you ask?
Christ being formed in you is a process, it's not an overnight kinda deal. It’s a crockpot, not a microwave process.
Reflect on how the Lord has been formed in you this far? What situations and experiences come to mind? How does knowing you have a lifetime (Phillippians 1:6) for Jesus to form his image in you make you feel?
Commit to spending time with Jesus each day this week, even 15 minutes makes space for Jesus to do his good work in you, forming his image in you, the image of a world changer!
Campus Connection: Does Your Chapter Need a Shot in the Arm?
As NCF chapters on campus part of our mission is to share the good news of Jesus with nursing students in our spheres of influence. Doing that can be the jolt of energy, the shot in the arm your chapter needs to thrive. Check out this blog post at your next NCF meeting from Intervarsity.
Here are some questions you can discuss at your next NCF meeting:
- When you read this quote from the blog, “We need to remind ourselves that we do evangelism in a time of crisis not to fill some 'good-Christian quota' but because it’s good for our souls. Evangelism is a part of our own healing and development, especially in a time of crisis.” How do you respond? What thoughts and feelings do you have reading it?
- “There’s nothing more joyous than seeing Jesus transform lives.” What is your joy level during this pandemic? Have you considered that Jesus’ invitation to do evangelism may be one of the ways he wants to bring you joy? Who is one person you can invite to study the Bible with you this week? Commit to inviting them together and spend time in prayer for your invitations.
Your Voices: Share Your Story
There are so many amazing things that are happening in NCF groups that we would love for you to share with other chapters so we are inviting you to share here in our “Your Voices” part of Campus Vitals. Please send us a short summary of something you are trying on your campus to bring interest and energy to NCF. Email your story to Katharine.Provost@intervarsity.org

Register Now!: Online Retreat April 2nd, 2022
Join us for our second annual NCF Student Ministries National Online Retreat April 2nd, 2022! We have an option this year to register to participate as an in-person group and we are happy to help you plan for it!
Let us know ASAP if you are planning to attend as a group. Deadline for getting a physical retreat packet for you or your group is March 19th. Registration with online packet open until April 1st.

Swag: Stickers Are Back!

The NCF decals are back in stock. Rep NCF on your water bottle or laptop!
We are praying the Holy Spirit strengthens you and is going ahead of you on campus to bring increasingly more students to your NCF groups.
In Christ,