From the NCF Director
Last week I had the opportunity to see how important it is when nurses fellowship together! I joined eight nurses for their monthly NCF meeting at a local Panera Bread. They included staff nurses, educators, APNs, and retired volunteers. We enjoyed a meal, talked about our work, and shared our favorite Scripture promises.
Then one nurse said, “Can I ask the group a question?” The nurse had a difficult situation at work with someone requesting her help on many fronts. She was seeking wisdom on how to direct this person and what her involvement should be. Others offered insight and suggested resources, such as a church women’s group or a Recovery Bible study. We spent time praying for her and the situation. By the time we left, the nurse had a plan for offering support and sharing Jesus.
NCF nurse groups make a difference! Thank you for your work to bring nurses together to focus on Christ. Let us know what God is doing through you and your group, and how we can pray for you (email NCF). --Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, PhD, RN
⇒ Find out more about how God has directed Kathy’s journey to become the new director of NCF.
In celebration of Christ’s coming, NCF has a special offer for nurses! NCF membership is 30% off the regular price in all membership categories from Nov. 25 to Dec. 31, 2016. Membership in NCF offers Journal of Christian Nursing, CE discounts and supports God’s work among nurses and students. Add NCF as a professional nursing membership on your resume.
Here are three ways to take advantage of this Christmas special: Join NCF, Renew, or Give a Gift to a nurse or student. Remember to enter Promo Code Christmas2016 during checkout in the InterVarsity Store. (Shipping is free so check “No Shipping” option.)
⇒ Encourage the nurses in your group to become a part of NCF through professional membership using this discount offer.
Looking for a fresh way for your NCF group to approach scripture? Manuscript study offers a fun, inductive way to explore Scripture, and you get to use colored pencils! Check out and download manuscripts, manuscript booklets, and other interactive resources. You can do manuscript study alone or in small groups. Look for the W’s: WHO is involved | WHEN did it happen | WHERE is it happening | WHAT is taking place | HOW is it happening. Then move to interpretation by asking WHY questions about the author’s message. Watch for God to speak personally to you.
⇒ Check out and boost your Scripture study skills!