In This Issue:
- Hope for a Harvest to Come
- Stories of Hope
- Fill Out the Spring Survey by April 20th!
- Adopt a Group Sign-Up
- Raising Up New Leaders
- New Resources!
- Don't Miss Out!
Hope for a Harvest to Come
Katharine Provost, BS, MA • NCF National Campus Staff Minister
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NIV
Click here to watch the devotional on video!
Stories of Hope
This year has been tough. We are zoomed out, stressed out, and ready for spring! This time of year I am always filled with hope! Hope for better weather, hope for summer break, and this year hope that in spite of a hard ministry year we can trust God has been and is still working. Check out these stories from NCF groups around the country.
Bethany is an NCF staff in Virginia. After a rough fall semester Bethany got scrappy in outreach and posted a story on Instagram inviting her connections to engage with her around the idea of self-care, eating right, and then inviting them to know more about NCF and Jesus. Through her story she had 6 new nursing students engage with her story all the way through the last post. Four of those students are coming regularly to her NCF Bible study this spring. One was even in tears a few weeks back as they encountered Jesus in the scripture!

After COVID19 hit, the newly planted Lansing Community College in Michigan moved its NCF programming to Instagram. They engaged each day with a different aspect of worship. Monday was musical worship, Tuesday was a written prayer, Wednesday was a scripture, Thursday was off for clinicals, and Friday was prayer requests. The leader posted or asked the group to share something that was on their heart that week. They were able to stay connected over the year and they committed to inviting a friend to follow along on Instagram and almost doubled their group through those invitations!

Fill Out the Spring Survey by April 20th!
It's that time of year again! Please fill out the spring survey so we know how to pray for you as well as update your records. This is a requirement for all NCF chapters.
Adopt a Group Sign-Up
You are not alone! We have professional nurse groups that are ready to “adopt you” by praying for you every time they meet. If you are interested in having your student group adopted, fill out this short form.
Raising Up New Leaders
This is the time in the semester for you to invite new leaders into leadership for fall 2021. Student leaders are the backbone of every NCF chapter. Ensuring leadership continuity needs to be a high priority for every chapter. Here is a step-by-step guide to identify and develop new leaders.

New Resources!
You asked for video resources on our fall survey. Here are some options for you and your chapter: NCF Video Bible Study Resources
Don't Miss Out!
Did you know that NCF is not only a student group but a professional organization? Students can join at the lowest membership price! Check it out here!
We have NCF logo products and graduation cords to honor your graduating seniors. Pick up some NCF swag today!
In Christ,