In this Issue:
Feeling sucked dry in every way and facing another 12-hour shift with difficult, needy patients, a nurse looks up and connects with the source of strength.
Read more about Where Does My Help Come From?
For the past several months we have been announcing the Urbana 18 Missions Conference at the bottom of each Campus Vitals. Now that it has taken place, we’d love to share with you some highlights and testimonies from nursing students who attended. Read some of the Testimonies of Transformation.
Prayer Walk Your School of Nursing
Start the semester strong with a prayer walk. In small groups, stop and pray briefly at selected sites: a study area, outside a classroom, near the administrative offices, at the simulation lab. Pray for students, faculty, and administrators based on your location. As you walk, pray for incoming students who are applying for the program, for the seniors as they wrap up their final semester and apply for their first positions, for current students to excel in their studies, for relationships to develop between group members and their classmates that will open up doors for spiritual conversations, for those in your NCF chapter to grow in their faith. Ask God to use those in the NCF chapter to have a positive impact in the school of nursing.
Mentor in New Leaders
Several NCF chapters have begun to use a model of bringing in new junior leaders second semester, so seniors in their last semester can be a mentor to them before they graduate. Even if your seniors are still in leadership roles, having underclass students start to “try on” a leadership role will be beneficial for the fall.
JCN Feature Article
Articles like this are free to all NCF members. Faculty advisors receive the benefit of a deep discount on membership. Email to ask for the discount code today.
If you are interested in medical missions, then this might be the perfect opportunity for you. Each summer a group serves at Tenwek Hospital in western Kenya, led by Brian and Debbie Lee through an InterVarsity Global Project. Nursing students need to be finishing up their junior year and have clinical experience. In the past, some nursing students have been able to receive credit for volunteering at Tenwek if arranged with their adviser ahead of time. The time serving at Tenwek would be about 2.5 weeks out of the six weeks we're in Kenya. The remaining 3.5 weeks consists of orientation, many types of ministry exposure and participation and then debrief/re-entry training.