In this Issue: Perfectionism Disease • Stories and News for Leaders • Faculty Corner • Upcoming Events
Perfectionism can drive your academic life and adversely affect your spiritual life. Read more to see how Bethany dealt with this as a nursing student.
Chapter News
Two nursing students took a leap of faith on their campus. Read more to find out what happened.
Campus Vitals is Broadening Its Audience!
Starting next month, all NCF chapter members can receive this encouraging newsletter, not just student leaders and faculty advisors! We are asking faculty advisors and student leaders to collect email addresses from your chapter members and send ONE list to ncf@intervarsity.org by 12/1/17. Help your chapter members connect with NCF through Campus Vitals!
Leadership Corner
Join the Student Leader Facebook Group
In every Campus Vitals newsletter, we’ll give you a chance to win a free NCF student membership ($25 value)! To enter this month’s drawing, all you have to do is join our NEW Facebook group for NCF Student Leaders! Join the Facebook group by November 1 and you’ll be entered into the drawing automatically!
REMEMBER: As a nursing student, you can join the NCF professional nursing organization at a highly discounted rate. Benefits include the Journal of Christian Nursing (published since 1984), a great resource for research papers and for developing your Christian worldview of nursing.
Faculty Corner
One of the most crucial roles of a faculty advisor is to ensure that your NCF chapter remains “in good standing” with the national organization each year. Here is a brief checklist of expectations:
- Annually confirm you are a registered student group with your college/university. (Exceptions can be made in rare circumstances where registering as a student organization is not possible.)
- Annually complete an online NCF affiliation form with your student leader(s). We will send information about this in January.
- Annually send to NCF a chapter member roster with updated names and email addresses so everyone in the group can start receiving the Campus Vitals newsletter. Include contact information for at least one student leader and faculty advisor.
- Annually complete the online chapter reports at the end of each semester. We will send the online reporting form to you approximately one month before the due date.
REMEMBER: Faculty advisors receive a generous discount of 57% on professional membership with NCF. Benefits include print and digital access to Journal of Christian Nursing, CE discounts on all Lippincott offerings, and an opportunity to let others know that you are a follower of Christ when you wear your membership pin and add NCF membership to your faculty profile.
Upcoming Opportunities
Mark July 19-22, 2018 on your calendars for a unique opportunity to gather with other NCF nursing students, nurse educators, and nurses from the USA, Canada, and Caribbean for the NCFI-CANA Conference in Azusa, CA. More information to come!
East Texas NCF Retreat: Come Away with Me to Rest, Reflect, and Refresh, February 23-25, 2018 at Sky Ranch in Van, Texas. Join other nursing students, educators and nurses in the Piney Woods for a weekend of rest and inspiration.
Global Health Missions Conference: Learn more about healthcare nursing November 9-11, 2017, at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.