Putting the Parts Together: Offering Whole Person Care
Do you have questions about how to integrate spiritual care into nursing practice? You are not alone. At the recent Urbana 15 conference, Jane Hall and Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner spoke on this topic. Listen to their seminar for your own benefit or with your NCF group. Other healthcare seminars from Urbana 15 are also available.
Watch Your Inbox
In a few weeks you will receive the NCF annual questionnaire, so please watch for this email and complete the short survey promptly. It is similar to the survey you completed last fall, but a few questions will be different. We especially need to know who the leaders may be for next year. Thank you for this annual snapshot of your chapter!
Transitioning Leadership
Senior leaders: Now is the time to make sure there are student leaders to take on your role next school year.
• Pray for God to draw students to leadership roles that serve your chapter.
• Meet with students who have leadership potential. Encourage them to consider a leadership role.
• Have an interest meeting for potential leaders to ask questions. Describe the different roles needed.
• If you have a constitution with a leadership application, have potential leaders complete the application. (Email NCF if you need a copy of this application)
• Have them "shadow" a student leader, attend core leader meetings and give input on decisions.
God at Work at San Diego State University
Kirsten was nervous about starting a Bible discussion in her nursing school, but got excited when five people came to the first meeting in February. They discussed “Stress in the Life of a Nursing Student” from the What’s Vital? Bible study series, studying how Jesus handled stress in his ministry on earth and were able to apply that to our lives as nursing students. Kirsten said, “We laughed, cried, and had deep conversations. I see how many of my classmates are yearning for something more than just being a “nurse.” They want something more and I believe that it is a personal relationship with Jesus. I am thankful for what He is doing and will be doing on our campus!
Opportunities for Spiritual Conversations
Lent is a time of reflection. Often students compare what they are “giving up” for Lent. This can open up opportunities for spiritual conversations. Here are 5 questions about Easter that can start conversations in a natural way. Challenge yourself to talk with at least two of your non-Christian friends or family about why Easter is significant to you and to your faith.
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