Jane Hall, Director of Nurses Christian Fellowship, has a message for NCF Faculty Advisors on campus:
“Thank you for investing in the next generation of Christian nurses.” Jane offers gratitude, encouragement, and a vision for ministry through her own seasoned experiences as an NCF faculty advisor.
The tenure and promotion process can be fraught with anxiety. Read how this educator overcame her fears in this new article from the Journal of Christian Nursing.

In appreciation for your vital ministry as a faculty advisor, we’re offering you an NCF membership for just $45.00! That’s 30% off the regular price for nurse members.
As a member benefit, you receive the Journal of Christian Nursing to assist you in ministry to students. Every issue of JCN has articles just for educators, such as teaching strategies, spirituality, ethics, and up-to-date clinical content on a wide range of topics.
You'll have access to 30 years of JCN archives -- great for research and instruction, along with significant discounts on continuing education from JCN and Lippincott’s 42 nursing journals. You'll also receive our monthly member e-newsletter.
Join NCF and take advantage of these resources for your teaching practice. Complete the Faculty Advisor Membership Application (with payment at checkout at the InterVarsity Store). If you are already an NCF member, this rate will be available to you when you are ready to renew.
Too many books; too little time! We’ve narrowed down the list of good books to a few great ones tailored especially for the Christian nurse. These recommended books cover a variety of categories and may be especially helpful to nursing faculty. Find more resources for nurse educators on our website.
Vitally Important
• Next month you will receive a brief online survey about your NCF chapter. Please have a representative from your chapter complete it in a timely way. We need this information!
• Don’t forget to affiliate your chapter. If you have questions on the process, please contact Bonnie.
Let us know how we can pray for you in your roles as an educator and NCF Faculty Advisor. We’d also love to hear your stories about how God is at work on your campus through NCF. Contact Bonnie with your requests and stories. Again, thank you for serving students!