Watch Your Inbox
In two weeks you will receive the annual NCF questionnaire, so please watch for this email from NCF and complete the short survey promptly. It is similar to the survey you completed last fall, but a few questions will be different. We especially need to know who the leaders may be for next year. Thank you for this annual snapshot of your chapter!
Spread the Word: Graduation Gifts for Seniors
NCF is offering a free graduation gift to the seniors in your group. Please forward this sign-up link (http://ncf-jcn.org/students/graduate-special-offer) to your graduating seniors so they can benefit from these resources:
- A free issue of the Journal of Christian Nursing.
- FLUX is an InterVarsity publication for new graduates to ease the transition from college to the work world.
- Spiritual Care Pocket Guide.
- Information about how to receive NCF membership for a deeply discounted rate (only $35.00) that includes a 1-year subscription to JCN.

Opportunities for Spiritual Conversations
Lent is a time of
reflection. Often students compare what they are "giving up" for Lent. This can open up opportunities for spiritual conversations. Here are 5 questions about Easter that can start conversations in a natural way. Challenge yourself to talk with at least two of your non-Christian friends or family about why Easter is significant to you and to your faith.

Something to TXT About
Is your NCF chapter looking for relevant discussion topics that integrate faith and nursing? Check out the Student TXT Topical Collection from the Journal of Christian Nursing.
Discover short, easy-to-use devotionals, inspiring stories and other ideas for discussion at your NCF meetings. This unique resource for nursing students and educators is a collection of articles from the regular JCN column, Student TXT and is ideal for use in small group meetings or NCF gatherings on campus.

Nursing faculty have limitless opportunities to influence the knowledge-base and character of future leaders in nursing. NCF has compiled resources to provide networking opportunities with other faculty, to encourage the pursuit of Christian scholarship, and to provide resources, support and spiritual inspiration for their journey in academia. Please share these resources with the faculty in your department.