Day of Prayer ∙ Reflect/Impact ∙ New Affiliation Tool
Pray for your campus February 28
Will you join thousands of others to pray for revival on your campus? The Collegiate Day of Prayer is February 28, 2013. Ask God to awaken students to life in him!
God knows who you are. He called you by name. He wants to use you to call others.
Will You Pray?
Visit Collegiate Day of Prayer.org to be part of a historic prayer movement that helped prepare the way for one of the greatest spiritual revivals in American history. This is an urgent call to the Body of Christ to work together in united prayer for another great awakening on every university in America.

This is the time of year to reflect on last semester’s NCF ministry on your campus and to evaluate your efforts. Take time to think about and discuss what worked well, what didn’t work so well, and what you’d like to change or accomplish this semester. How would you like to see God transform you and your classmates?

How can your NCF chapter impact your campus for Christ this semester? A great place to start is by assessing students’ needs (physical, emotional, social, and spiritual) and planning ways to help them see how Jesus can meet these needs.
Here are some ideas:
◊ Prayer walk through the school of nursing. Pray as you walk past each professor’s office, classroom and lab. Ask God to open your eyes to see the needs of students and faculty members and how you can reach out to them with his love and truth.
◊ Prepare for spiritual conversations.
- Listen to your classmate’s comments and perspectives to see where they are spiritually.
- Ask open-ended questions to discover what gives meaning to the lives of your friends. As they see that you care about them, you will be able to share how your relationship with Jesus makes all the difference in your life.
- Invite them to join you for a Bible study to seek answers to their questions. InterVarsity’s Evangelism website has GIG guides (for evangelistic Bible studies), Pocket Proxes (portable conversation starters) and 10 online Bible studies called Launch. Explore what might be a good fit for you to use.
◊ Pray that God will use you and others in your chapter to make an impact on your campus.
Looking for more inspiration and resources?

The Whole Gospel –At your next group meeting, use this Urbana 12 video, Evangelism and Justice, as a discussion starter. It challenges us to live out our faith in word and deed. Don’t settle for just half.
The Power of Student Evangelism - Imagine 1/3 of a student body coming to Christ in a single year, with 50% of graduates going into full-time Christian service. Seriously? “This really happened,” claims Geri Rodman, President of Inter-Varsity Canada. Watch this Urbana 12 video and see how generations of students in love with Jesus have invested their lives in the work of God’s Kingdom.

Renew your NCF Chapter Affiliation Online
NCF/InterVarsity chapters can now renew their chapter affiliations with an easy-to-use online form.
To renew your affiliation, complete InterVarsity’s new online Application for Chapter Affiliation and return to NCF.
If your chapter is not affiliated with NCF, learn why affiliation is important for your group and how you can start the process at Why Affiliate? Please contact the NCF office before taking any next steps.
Campus Vitals has been compiled by:
Bonnie Hann, RN, BSN, BS-Missionary Nursing
NCF Campus Liaison
Email Bonnie