We sincerely hope this isn't indicative of you!
We know nursing school is challenging, but be sure to make time to rejuvenate your soul!
Urbana 12 • Lighten Up • Ideas for Meetings • Answering Tough Questions • Don't Forget

Urbana 12 is Coming!

We're so excited that 15,000 people have already committed to learning more about God's global mission at the Urbana Student Missions Conference! Will you be there? 23 days left to register.
If you're a nursing student who wants to know more about God's calling in your life, consider attending. NCF scholarships are available for nursing students who need help with the registration cost. Email Bonnie for more information.

Need some Stress Relief? Lighten Things Up

- Exam Cram: Host a study session and provide snacks. Reserve a room for those who want to study together. Tell a funny nursing story to break up the study time. Give a short prayer for God's peace and clear thinking when taking exams. Here is A Prayer Before Study by St. Thomas Aquinas.
- Christmas Potluck: Share a meal or desserts together. Challenge everyone in your NCF chapter to bring one friend. Have a short devotional related to the true meaning of Christmas. Think of open-ended questions, such as inviting everyone to talk about a special family Christmas tradition.

Ideas for Meetings

- Host a speaker: Invite a nurse from the community to talk about integrating faith into nursing practice, mission trips, or local ministries to the poor and underserved. Allow time for Q & A.
- Focus on a hot topic in nursing: Promote your next meeting by featuring articles in the Journal of Christian Nursing.
At every gathering, remember to display NCF brochures and a Journal of Christian Nursing for students to look at. Personalize NCF business cards with your group's meeting schedule and location.

How to Answer Tough Questions

Sometimes the best thing to do when someone asks you a question is to respond with a simple question, "Why do you ask?" This is a good way to learn more about the reason behind the person's question.
Watch this humorous video and read the real-life stories about how to respond simply yet compassionately to people who are on a spiritual search.

Just a Reminder

As you end this semester and begin a new one, don't forget to keep track of your NCF activities, using a Chart your Chapter form. Designate one person to be responsible for recording this information. The chart can be modified to include other data you may want to collect.
Recording basic data now will help you complete the NCF Annual Survey next spring. This information on each group helps us serve all of our NCF chapters more effectively. More importantly, your record of each meeting is an important way for you to collect data on your group and track changes from year to year. As you pray for your friends and invite them into your NCF ministry on campus, trust God for growth in your group and for your witness to Jesus in your school of nursing.

Campus Vitals has been compiled by:
Bonnie Hann, RN, BSN, BS-Missionary Nursing
NCF Campus Liaison
Email Bonnie