Network with Healthcare Missions

NCF networks with these organizations in assisting nursing students and nurses in the discernment process regarding missionary nursing.

Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF)

CCHF is a national network of Christian health professionals and others concerned about the healthcare needs of the impoverished communities in the United States. We encourage others to live out the Gospel through healthcare among the poor. CCHF provides an online list of job opportunities at

Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH)

The mission of Christian Connections for International Health is to promote international health and wholeness with a Christian perspective. CCIH provides field-oriented information resources and a forum for discussion, networking, and fellowship for the spectrum of Christian organizations and individuals working in international health.

Global Health Outreach

The mission of Global Health Outreach is to provide opportunities for medical, dental and other healthcare professionals, their families and associates to serve Christ, to share Christ and to grow in Christ. This translates into the three-fold purpose of ministering physically and spiritually to needy people, and ministering to the spiritual needs of our teams. By being the "hands of Jesus" to needy people, we seek to fulfill His Great Commandment (Matthew 22:39; 25:36) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).

Project MedSend

Project MedSend's mission is to develop funding to repay educational loans for healthcare workers as they minister among the underserved at home and abroad by:

  • offering student loan repayment grants to healthcare professionals who are headed for career medical missions service under the authority of a recognized missions sending agency
  • developing funding to repay educational loans for healthcare workers as they minister among the underserved at home and abroad
  • offering financial counsel to keep educational borrowing to a minimum.

Health for All Nations

The mission of Health for All Nations is to engage the global Christian community in the exploration and application of biblical revelation, scientific evidence, and cumulative experience as they relate to health and wholeness. In essence it is an organization that serves as a catalyst for dialogue on topics related to the church and healthcare missions.


Leaders in short-term missions came together to develop standards of excellence for doing short-term missions.  The seven standards provide an excellent way to evaluate the quality of a short-term missions program. Organizations can subscribe to the standards and have their programs peer reviewed.

MissionExcellence is a part of MissionWorks which is about working together for the greater good. They have a rich history of resourcing the mission world that is both practical and authoritative. Membership gives you discounts or free access to many of their resources, which include assistance in learning and applying the 7 Standards of Excellence for short-term mission practitioners (MissionExcellence), conferences and training (MissionConnection), online searches for short-term mission opportunities (MissionGuide), fundraising tools (MissionLinked), and mission trip insurance coverage (MissionArmor).

The Global CHE Network

This website serves as a place for programs doing Community Health Evangelism (CHE) around the world. It has valuable resources for those interested in training lay health personnel and providing quality health education using adult education/non-formal education methodologies.