Publicity and Follow-Up are two great ways to reach new nursing students. Use these resources to communicate meeting times, invite new students, and follow up with students interested in joining NCF. Need coaching on outreach? Email to connect with a student ministry staff who would love to coach you.

This is a printable poster, to use at your next NCF meeting!

This is a printable postcard, to use to teach your members about a professional Nurses Christian Fellowship membership.
Front: Member-Promo-Card_Front.pdf
Back: Member-Promo-Card_Back.pdf

This is a printable meeting info card, to use to inform students when you are meeting! You can print out 4 sheets at a time using the pdf.

This is a printable contact card sheet, so you can print out 4 cards from one sheet and use them to connect with nursing students!

These are spiritual care cards, they are available for purchase on the NCF Store. These are really good ways to encourage your fellow students!

The Logo Policy, is a page that explains how and where you are able to use the Nurses Christian Fellowship's logo.