March 2021 Prayer and Praise

My thanks to Skip McDonald who recently shared this poem during our first NCF Tabletop Discussion focusing on Jesus and Mental Health During a Pandemic.* Skip serves in the southeast as a Regional Resource Specialist focusing on mental health, spiritual formation, Bible study and Nurses Christian Fellowship. She is a gifted author and speaker who has a way of making you feel both seen and heard as she reminds us all of the hope we have living in us.

Christy Secor RN, DNP, CDWF, NCF Professional Ministries Director

* Note: The webinar, Jesus and Mental Health During a Pandemic, was recorded and is available to NCF members to view. We pray you are encouraged through the Scripture and experiences that were shared.

The Dark Night of the Soul

What does it mean?

What does it feel like

when darkness surrounds you,

When it seems impenetrable?

What do I do?

How can I survive?

Where is the light?

Where is my way?

Keep me. Hold me God.

Reassure me that you are here,

That I'm OK.

Speak to me.

Speak softly and gently to me.

Tell me that You're near.

Show me that You're here.

I need You to brighten

the darkness.

Hold me.

Hold me close.

Don't let me go.

I need you.

Feel my heartbeat.

It's racing.

Longing, wanting, needing

Your peace,

Your sweet peace


My God,

The only One who

can give me what I need~

at this moment,

at any time.

Always and forever,

You light up my darkness.

Let me see Your countenance,

Your face.

Make me know I am

not alone.

I reach out for You.

I find You there~

Closer than my very breath~

And even when I can't see You,

I hear Your gentle voice,

Calling out to me,


"I'm here. I'm right here.

Rest in my peace and comfort;

In My presence. 

I'm here and I always overcome darkness.

I am Your Light~


                        by Skip McDonald

You can download the March Prayer Calendar here.

March Prayer Calendar

  • March 1 – Pray for all the colleges and universities affected by the polar vortex, in particular for schools in Texas where they have lost power and water. Pray for safety and for students and faculty to be able to continue with the semester afterwards with peace and resilience. 
  • March 2 – Thank the Lord for the scientific knowledge that led to the rapid production of a vaccine for the coronavirus that is preventing the further spread and adverse effects of the disease. Pray for equity in distributing the vaccine here in the United States. Pray also for others in low and middle-income countries where health budgets and healthcare systems are not equipped to provide vaccines. Pray they will be afforded the same opportunity. 
  • March 3 – Pray for the provision of many NCF staff who are struggling and for God to continue to move in meeting our needs.
  • March 4 – Thank God for a great first Student Ministries retreat at the beginning of February. He met students and faculty and encouraged them to surrender even in the midst of a pandemic. 
  • March 5 – Pray for nurses who are discouraged, that they can hear Jesus speaking to them and feel empowered in their calling.
  • March 6 – Pray for the Christian Nursing School Directory as it gets finished - that more schools would sign up for the directory and that potential students would find it a helpful resource.
  • March 7 – Thank God for the Journal of Christian Nursing staff in NCF and for our publisher, Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippincott. Ask Jesus to make himself known to Lippincott staff who work on JCN but don’t yet know him personally.
  • March 8 – Praise God for the men and women who lead our professional nurse groups. They give so much of themselves in what they do. Ask God to bless, encourage, and provide insight as they lead their groups. Pray for leaders who are facing personal loss and tragedies right now. Pray for wisdom for those who are battling time constraints.
  • March 9 – Ask God to keep showing the way in creating NCF’s new membership registration and management system; and to show NCF staff who can assist in the details of implementation of the software.
  • March 10 – Intercede for NCF’s leadership team -- Professional Ministries Director Christy, Student Ministries Director Jen, Marketing & Communications Director Jessica, JCN Senior Editor Kris, and National Director, Kathy – as they pray together, discern God’s will in decisions, and lead NCF. Ask God to give great wisdom.
  • March 11 – Pray for nurses to answer the call to be mentors within NCF. We thank God for those who are already mentoring nurses in their faith, practice, and in leadership.
  • March 12 – We thank God for all he is doing through faith community nurses (FCNs) across the country. Pray for wisdom and leadership for those who provide teaching and training. Pray also for open communication and support for FCNs with their leadership teams.
  • March 13 – Ask God to lead more students, nurses, and educators to join NCF and become members. Pray that our membership numbers can grow and be sustained.  
  • March 14 – Pray for our Sunday evening times of prayer. We ask God to hear us as we lift up the needs of students, educators, and nurses across the country. Pray for more nurses to join in this time of reflection and prayer.
  • March 15 – Pray for our partnership with National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) and that we would gain more student interest.
  • March 16 – Praise God for the many new authors and articles that have been submitted to the JCN. We ask for continued prayer for additional quality manuscripts.
  • March 17 – Praise God for what He is doing to support nurses through NCF – retreats, prayer times, Journal Club, virtual meetings, the new Tabletop Discussions. Thank God for these new ways to reach every student, nurse, and educator, where they live and work.
  • March 18 – Lift up NCF staff as they seek new ministry partners to support their work in prayer and financially. Beseech God to bring in all resources that are needed to do the work he calls NCF to do.
  • March 19 – Rejoice with us for the new nurse and student groups that are springing up. Pray for the leaders to be blessed by God for their willingness to start and lead an NCF ministry, and to lead each one every step of the way.
  • March 20 – Pray for wisdom for Angela Davidson as she leads the Next Gen work for Nurses Christian Fellowship International. Pray as she seeks to connect nursing students and recent nursing graduates.
  • March 21 – Pray for nurses who are struggling with the trauma and loss of caring for those who have died from COVID. Pray for the resources to meet their emotional and mental needs. Pray they feel the comfort, support, and strength of prayers being lifted up on their behalf.
  • March 22 – Pray for student groups as they continue with chapter gatherings online. Pray for resilience and creativity as students and faculty combat Zoom fatigue, anxiety, and stress. 
  • March 23 – We praise God for the way he is moving and providing opportunities to know him more deeply through all that’s taken place since the pandemic began. Students and nurses are asking questions. Virtual groups are having a broader reach across the United States. Pray for opportunities to be present with each other as we lament and trust together.
  • March 24 – Pray for the Nurses Christian Fellowship International’s Planning Committee for the 2021 World Congress as they complete details for the conference that is being held virtually this year in July.
  • March 25 – Pray for NCF staff who are meeting today for their marketing retreat. Pray that God would fiIl us with new ideas to reach more nurses!
  • March 26 – Pray for patience, grace, and attention to the details for JCN staff as they work with our publisher in new and ongoing workflow processes.
  • March 27 – We ask for wisdom and courage in setting up the self-care and boundaries we need during these trying times. May the difficulties we experience draw us closer to God. May we be reminded he cares for us and that he can use all things for good.
  • March 28 – Pray for an ongoing sense of vision and calling for all NCF staff as we seek to be faithful in the day-to-day work of ministry. Ask God to encourage staff in all of the behind the scenes, especially tedious tasks that require repeated efforts to complete.   
  • March 29 – We lift up those who are grieving and whose hearts are filled with lament. May we also remember as we lament to continue to trust and that with God there is a “but” or “yet” in the way the story ends.
  • March 30 – Pray for encouragement and leading as nurse group leaders gather this evening to talk, pray, explore the Scriptures, and support one another.
  • March 31 – Thank God for his faithfulness in caring for each of us and also the ways he cares for Nurses Christian Fellowship.