Embracing Vulnerability

Student retreats are significant events for nursing students growing in faith and learning leadership skills. At a recent student retreat in Pennsylvania, the topic was embracing vulnerability. Students at the retreat reflected on the power of vulnerability and how it can open doors for connection and empathy in their relationships and in patient care.

Opal, a student leader in Nashville, has been learning about embracing vulnerability by asking for help. She has felt overwhelmed with leadership responsibilities in her NCF group, until two more students joined her in leadership this semester. When asked how it felt to collaborate, Opal teared up, sharing that it felt like such a relief and admitted how hard it was to ask for help and that it felt weak. Her new apprentice, Laurel, pointed out that she didn't see Opal as weak at all, but rather felt very honored and affirmed to be asked to help. Moments like these serve the students now in their campus leadership roles and in the future in life and nursing practice!

Other nursing students shared these responses to the retreat:  

"People long to be fully known and fully loved--to be vulnerable but be accepted. Instead of trying to fix things, I can lean into tension and just listen and be present with people in their pain."

"Vulnerability is important to both nurses and patients. We need to heal our relationships with God to allow for vulnerability with one another."

"God met me where I was. I have been struggling with embracing vulnerability with others, and the keynote session was a great reminder of how you need to be vulnerable in order to make meaningful connections with people and to feel loved and known. Otherwise, you will just have shallow relationships."

Considering vulnerability: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage, rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2:5-7

Find out what NCF has and does for nursing students—and faculty! Contact Student Ministries Director Jen Wojtysiak to find out more.
