August 27, 2024Shhh, Just Listen! Hearing God clearly requires our minds to be quiet and undistracted.
August 20, 2024Powerful Mind Renewal Imprinting God’s own words in our minds—memorizing Scripture—is an essential key to being transformed into Jesus’ likeness.
August 13, 2024Prayer While Walking When we prayer walk, God sharpens our awareness in the people and places around us.
August 06, 2024Connected to God: Spiritual Practices Keep company with Jesus daily and through the day with spiritual rhythms.
July 30, 2024The Bible’s Mental Health RX When anxiety, depression, fear, and stress cloud our spiritual vision, the Bible clears our minds with truth, hope, and refuge.
July 16, 2024A Voice for the Voiceless A nurse realizes a medical tool can speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.
July 09, 2024Journey to Resilience Years of adversity and incivility cultivated a firm base of resilience for nurse and educator Santhiny Rajamohan.
June 25, 2024Praying with Patients? Strengthen your readiness and skill in praying with patients using these evidence-based tips.
June 18, 2024Fruit from a Seed of Compassion What does unzipping couch cushions have to do with becoming a nurse?