Karen Schmidt

Karen Schmidt

Karen is a Contributing Editor for the Journal of Christian Nursing and works on NCF communications and social media.


In upholding the stated purpose of NCF, I envision that the organization expresses the truth and grace of Jesus to nurses and nursing students—those who follow Christ and those seeking him. NCF is about relationships that exemplify Christ and illuminate him to others professionally and personally as nurses. The Journal of Christian Nursing is a channel of communication to educate, strengthen, and inform nurses and students in integrating faith and nursing practice with a biblical foundation.


As a missions-minded homeschool parent, I teach homeschooled high schoolers part-time. I also volunteer at a local free medical clinic and I am invested in our small church on Camano Island, Washington. Gardening, reading, crafting, and exploring new places are free time activities.


  • RN diploma in nursing
  • BA in communication, Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois
  • Journalism coursework (1 year)

Email Karen.