Christian Nurse Blog

Nurses using health education openings are planting the seeds of salvation in places were Christ is unknown.

Persevering through the imposed reality of virtual meetings, nursing students and faculty are rebuilding in-person connections again in Florida.

Nurses who care about health equity are powerful advocates for the sometimes invisible people who face numerable barriers to care.

"Are you courageous enough to walk in when others run out?" asks palliative care nurse Carla Adams about the art of caring for patients in distress.


Nurses have great influence in advancing health equity goals and the Gospel of Jesus in our profession.

Seeking joy is a worthy aim, so how do hardship and suffering make any sense?

Breathing spiritually for a fellow Jesus-follower can renew their calling in Christ.

“Beautiful and choreographed healing” can describe the health of our physical and church bodies when God is involved.

Hope is rising and spreading through nursing students and faculty advisors in all corners of the country!

Nurses can change the landscape of mental health, one person at a time, including facing our own mental health needs.


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