June 2024 Prayer and Praise Calendar

June 2024 Prayer and Praise Calendar

You can download the June 2024 prayer calendar here.

Week One:

  • June 1 – Lara Kaiser (NCF’s Associate Director in Student Ministries) and her husband, Andy, are grateful the Lord has provided a lovely spacious home that they will move into this month. Lara and Andy have already met a couple of neighbors and are looking forward to hosting family and perhaps a neighborhood Bible study group if the Lord leads.


Week Two:

  • June 2 – Praise God for the Blessing of the Hands event. May God continue to use this resource and the two-part series, Jesus Works Through Nurses, to grow our NCF groups and to strengthen students, faculty, and nurses everywhere in their faith and practice.
  • June 3 – Lara Kaiser, NCF Student Ministries Associate Director, will be leading NCF Next Cohorts each Monday during June. This outreach is for recent graduates of nursing schools to discuss, pray, and reflect on relevant topics like preparing spiritually for the NCLEX and thriving in nursing during the first year and beyond.
  • June 4 – Pray for nursing graduates (including NCF’s own Rowan Kulp Harper) as she and others take the NCLEX over the next few months. Pray for comfort and peace amid the stress of preparing and taking their boards, for retention of the material, strong critical thinking, and strong clinical judgment in the answers selected. Pray also for wisdom and discernment as nursing graduates seek employment in different healthcare settings. We ask God to provide wisdom and discernment in units where these graduates can grow and thrive in their new careers.
  • June 5 – Our Student and Professional Ministries teams are meeting tomorrow to pray, collaborate, and plan for the future. We will be having focused discussions on the characteristics and needs of the Gen Z community. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we gather together as a team and plan.
  • June 6 – The NCF Saline Community is meeting this evening for the first time. This meeting is for NCF members who participate in the Saline Process. During the meeting, we will focus on deepening our knowledge and love of the Lord, growing together in living out the call to be salt and light and supporting each other through prayer and encouragement.
  • June 7 – Please be praying as nurses around the globe gather together this morning for the Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) Prayer Gathering. May God use this time to lift up the needs of nurses and to seek his blessing in the upcoming World Congress.
  • June 8 – Pray for God’s continuing blessing as our staff pushes to meet their year-end ministry goals for financial support.


Week Three:

  • June 9 – We thank God for the community that is a part of our nurse groups. Pray for our nurse groups to continue to be safe places for students, faculty, and nurses. We ask God to use our Sunday night prayer group times to draw us into deeper intimacy with him.
  • June 10 – Today the NCFI CANA (Caribbean and North American) Regional Committee will meet to continue planning and praying for the next CANA Conference in 2026. Ask God to guide the committee members who represent CANA national NCFs and to encourage NCF leaders in Jamaica who are planting new ministries.
  • June 11 – Give wisdom, endurance, and discernment to Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, NCF’s National Director, as she completes the NCF budget for our current fiscal year.
  • June 12 – We give God praise for what he is doing in the Madison NCF nurse group! Several new people are interested in coming and current members of the group are finding connection, support, and blessing as they gather together. It is exciting to see what God is doing.
  • June 13 – Please pray for a safe delivery for Wendy Zhang, Campus Staff Minister, as her baby is due this month. We are grateful for this new life and God’s blessing to their family.
  • June 14 – We ask God to move and work in the lives of recent graduates who have asked to be mentored in the coming year by nurses of faith. Pray for connection and relationships. May their time talking together, sharing experiences, and praying with one another provide a closer relationship to Jesus Christ for both the mentor and the mentee.
  • June 15 – Lara Kaiser, NCF’s Student Ministries Associate Director, will be gathering with a few student leaders this summer to discuss and brainstorm evangelism on campus. She is excited to share InterVarsity resources and to learn from them about what they are experiencing with classmates and how they are initiating spiritual conversations with their peers.


Week Four:

  • June 16 – We remember our physical fathers, our spiritual fathers, and the fathers who are a part of the nursing profession on this special Father’s Day. May their strength, courage, and faith encourage their families, communities, and our profession.
  • June 17 – A few chapters were feeling nervous last month about finding new leaders to take over for next year. Praise God that most of those chapters have found new leaders or have good plans in place to make some invitations.
  • June 18 – Continue to remember in prayer NCF staff who are dealing with difficult family situations and supporting the needs of loved ones. We ask God to give us the strength, patience, and wisdom we need in each moment.
  • June 19 – Ask God to wisely lead in the search for a new Senior Editor for Journal of Christian Nursing. We ask God to bring those of his choosing and make it clear who he is calling to serve in this capacity.
  • June 20 – Pray for weary educators who are raising the next generation of nurses. Some may be on summer break; some may be teaching. Ask God to refresh and restore each one.
  • June 21 – Continue to pray for nurses around the country who are tired, weary, and facing staff shortages and a lack of resources in their work environments. May we remember God’s presence in our lives and that we are not alone in our challenges. May NCF minister in the lives of others and be a support and encouragement in our faith and practice.
  • June 22 – Pray for wisdom, discernment, and vision as Jen Wojtysiak, NCF’s Student Ministries Director, and Christy Secor, NCF’s Professional Ministries Director, plan for their ministries.


Week Five:

  • June 23 – Please pray for the upcoming Nurses Christian Fellowship International World Congress that begins today and lasts until June 30 in Spain.  Thanks to the Lord for the 12-14 USA nurses who can attend. Pray for preparations and safe travels. Pray for this event to strengthen and give courage to the nurses and midwives attending as they return to their home countries. Pray "for the favor of the Lord" on all the attendees.  Pray for the Lord to "confirm for us the work of our hands." (Psalm 90:17)  
  • June 24 – Pray for Christy Secor, NCF’s Professional Ministries Director, as she shares today with recent graduates at the NCF Next Cohorts about the ministry of NCF and ways they can experience encouragement through this ministry.
  • June 25 – We ask for God’s presence among nurse group leaders who gather this evening for a time of connection, networking, Bible study, and prayer. Guide our discussion and give us insight as we support students, faculty, and nurses across the country.
  • June 26 – Lara Kaiser, NCF’s Student Ministry Associate Director, is attending the Revoice conference that begins today. The conference will focus on Ephesians 2 and the lives of LGBTQ+ Christians as unique displays of the glory of God, and what masterpieces we are each called to make with our lives. Pray for God to use this in ministry with students.
  • June 27 – Pray for our faith community nurses in the unique and different areas where they serve. May God provide insight, wisdom, sensitivity, and presence to the needs they face in their work and ministry.
  • June 28 – Ask the Holy Spirit to guide NCF in marketing efforts to reach nursing students, faculty, and nurses; pray for our web, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, and other media outreaches – that it would honor God and draw nurses to him.
  • June 29 – Pray for nurses as they explore the possibilities of starting a nurse group locally or virtually. We ask God to smooth any rough places and remove any barriers in starting their groups. Give wisdom and insight as these nurses listen to the needs of other nurses and the call of the Holy Spirit.


Week Six:

  • June 30 – Today marks the end of the InterVarsity and NCF fiscal year. Pray for God to bring in all the finances needed to end the year according to his Master plan and to start the new year well.


You can download the June 2024 prayer calendar here.