Spiritual Care

A hospice nurse in a remote mountain community offers the most essential treatment to her patient.

Holding the shaking hand of a fearful patient and looking with mercy into the eyes of a desperate person—this is nursing with God-given grace.

Jesus understands our patients’ pain, and we can help them realize that.

Can an inexperienced nursing student help a patient who desperately needs healing?

A recovered ID card speaks truth about God’s care to a patient and his nurse.

A nurse ethicist offers four theological principles for practice in any religious context.

Would you be willing to pray with a patient if you had more concrete ideas of how to go about it?

Where is God in the midst of a patient’s intractable pain—or our own suffering?

One of a nurse’s best means of caring is being present.

Here’s help for nurses when diabetes and other chronic illnesses create emotional and spiritual distress in patients.
